People get real about their psoriasis
and how they feel about foamDealing with plaque psoriasis is no fun. But sometimes it helps to know that you’re not the only
one who has to put up with it.One SORILUX Foam user tells us what it's really like!
Dane almost gave up on topical treatments for his plaque psoriasis. But it all changed when he found SORILUX Foam.
Here, real people talk about how they came to find out they had plaque psoriasis. Be sure to watch the end of the videos — we gave each person a can of demonstration foam to try, and you can watch their candid responses the first time they tried it!
5 people tell us their psoriasis stories
Megan isn’t a fan of showing her plaque psoriasis to the world. She works hard to cover it up. Watch
Amit's main problem area is his scalp. He rearranges his work schedule when he has a flare-up. Watch
Mariella has scalp and face psoriasis. She cut her beloved long hair short in hopes it would help. Watch
Dan has severe plaque psoriasis—it was so difficult for him it even affected his career choice. Watch
Gayle feels the treatment she's used on her scalp before is so oily and greasy, she has a hard time using it as directed. Watch